ArticleImpact of Value Relevance of Financial Performance Information and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure : Evidence from Egyptian Manufacturing Firms
ArticleImpact of Value Relevance of Financial Performance Information and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure : Evidence from Egyptian Manufacturing Firms
ArticleTesting the Granger Causality between Capital Structure and Profitability of Listed Egyptian Companies
ArticleTesting the Granger Causality between Capital Structure and Profitability of Listed Egyptian Companies
ArticleThe Impact of Financial Statement Comparability on Financial Reporting Quality and Cost of Capital: An Empirical Study on Egyptian Firms Listed in the Egyptian Stock Market
ArticleThe Impact of Financial Statement Comparability on Financial Reporting Quality and Cost of Capital: An Empirical Study on Egyptian Firms Listed in the Egyptian Stock Market
ArticleFactors affecting dividends policy: An Empirical Investigation of Real Estate Sector Listed in EGX
ArticleFactors affecting dividends policy: An Empirical Investigation of Real Estate Sector Listed in EGX
ArticleThe Effect of Financial Leverage and other firm’s characteristics on Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management: An Empirical Study on listed Firms in the Egyptian Stock Exchange
ArticleThe Effect of Financial Leverage and other firm’s characteristics on Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management: An Empirical Study on listed Firms in the Egyptian Stock Exchange
ArticleNon-linear relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Value Nexus: An Empirical Study in Egyptian Capital Market
ArticleNon-linear relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Value Nexus: An Empirical Study in Egyptian Capital Market
ArticleImpact of the ownership structure on the financial performance of banks listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange
ArticleImpact of the ownership structure on the financial performance of banks listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange
Articleأثر العوامل المحددة لهيکل رأس المال وانعکاسها على قيمة المنشأة- دراسة تطبيقية على المنشآت الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم المقيدة فى بورصة النيل المصرية
Articleأثر العوامل المحددة لهيکل رأس المال وانعکاسها على قيمة المنشأة- دراسة تطبيقية على المنشآت الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم المقيدة فى بورصة النيل المصرية
ArticleThe determinants of financial risk disclosure in annual reports in emerging economies: Evidence from Egypt
ArticleThe determinants of financial risk disclosure in annual reports in emerging economies: Evidence from Egypt