ArticleIs Urodynamic Study an Essential Step in Preoperative Evaluation of Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse with Urinary Tract Dysfunction: Prospective Comparative Study
ArticleIs Urodynamic Study an Essential Step in Preoperative Evaluation of Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse with Urinary Tract Dysfunction: Prospective Comparative Study
ArticleEvaluation of Female Patient Satisfaction after Midurethral Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence
ArticleEvaluation of Female Patient Satisfaction after Midurethral Sling Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence
ThesisEvaluation of autologous pubovaginal slings in the treatment of female patients with stress urinary incontinence
ThesisEvaluation of autologous pubovaginal slings in the treatment of female patients with stress urinary incontinence
ArticleAnterior Colpourethroraphy (El Hemaly Operation) for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A urodynamic Evaluation
ArticleAnterior Colpourethroraphy (El Hemaly Operation) for Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Incontinence: A urodynamic Evaluation
ThesisEffectiveness of different ultrasonographic techniques in documenting anatomic stress incontinence
ThesisEffectiveness of different ultrasonographic techniques in documenting anatomic stress incontinence