this research concerns facing the problem of social isolation that arise gradually with the rapid change of our lifestyle relaying on media technology and this social isolation problem increased after the period of pandemic diseases spread worldwide leading to doing everything from home and abandoning practicing living activities. Discussing how Installation Art can play an effective role and its ability of Giving the spectator a unique integrated live experience that can't be fulfilled at distance. Revealing the researcher's personal experience as an artist, presenting her Installation artwork production stages starting from planning then step by step building the whole scene and showing the audience's reception and interaction with the artwork.
Research problem: Dominance of digital and media technologies in all our living fields and its negative impact leading to social isolation and abundance of real interaction with all activities.
Social isolation is increasingly becoming a point of public concern. There is an ironic contemporary context in the so-called era of hyper-communication, where many people feel increasingly alone. This affects to a far extent peoples contact and their public activities practicing. Recent statistics on social isolation reported a 53% growth in people feeling detached from society. One hundred fifty million people living in the United States have reported feelings of alienation, and one out of five people report feelings of loneliness often. There is an element of communication, which is not merely a question of talking to other people. The need for contact, creating a flow of connection, and joining art, working with the visual, is a particularly potent medium. Within the discipline of craft, an understanding of spatial inspiration is potentially a medium able to address social isolation (Soreanu, 2021).
Research objective:
This research aims to guide installation art practitioners in creating artworks that promote social inclusivity and foster connections and understanding among viewers. With the increasing occurrence of digital spaces and social isolatory tendencies, it is vital to understand the interaction between generated space and human emotional states to positively promote physical connectedness (Hughes et al.2021).
It aims to activate the role of Installation Art as a unique Artistic whole experience encouraging and targeting people's real interaction with the Artwork. Revealing a practical Installation Art experience that the researcher as an Artist imposed by the end of 2020 in her solo exhibition “Garden Song" and how she worked on her installation project focusing on the message and influence that her art could pose to the spectators promoting real interaction with the Artwork.
Research methodology: This research follows the descriptive and the applied methodology.