Articlecreativity in fashion shows for innovative fashion Designs Inspired by Traditional Costumes in Saudi Arabia
Articlecreativity in fashion shows for innovative fashion Designs Inspired by Traditional Costumes in Saudi Arabia
ArticleDeveloping the Creative Skills of Fashion Design Students by Innovating Women's Fashion Designs Inspired by Architecture of Saudi Arabia
ArticleDeveloping the Creative Skills of Fashion Design Students by Innovating Women's Fashion Designs Inspired by Architecture of Saudi Arabia
ArticleA contemporary artistic vision for the implementation of the women's dress inspired by Saudi traditional fashion
ArticleA contemporary artistic vision for the implementation of the women's dress inspired by Saudi traditional fashion
ArticleBenefiting from the modern media in innovating teenage girls’clothes designs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ArticleBenefiting from the modern media in innovating teenage girls’clothes designs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Articleابتکار تصميمات مستوحاة من الطبيعة لملابس السهرة للفتيات في مرحلة المراهقة بالمملکة العربية السعودية
Articleابتکار تصميمات مستوحاة من الطبيعة لملابس السهرة للفتيات في مرحلة المراهقة بالمملکة العربية السعودية
ArticleContemporary visions of Saudi folklore and its role in enriching the designs of women's Abaya fabrics as an approach to express the national identity
ArticleContemporary visions of Saudi folklore and its role in enriching the designs of women's Abaya fabrics as an approach to express the national identity
ArticleUsing the traditional fashion design values in Asir region for innovating contemporary male designs
ArticleUsing the traditional fashion design values in Asir region for innovating contemporary male designs
Articleاستحداث تصميمات مستوحاة من التراث الشعبي المصري والسعودي لإثراء التصميم الزخرفي للملابس الخارجية للمرأة
Articleاستحداث تصميمات مستوحاة من التراث الشعبي المصري والسعودي لإثراء التصميم الزخرفي للملابس الخارجية للمرأة