Articleبرنامج تدريبى فى تقنيات حياکة الملابس بإستخدام التکنولوجيا المساعدة لذوى الإعاقة السمعية (تأهليهم لريادة الأعمال)
Articleبرنامج تدريبى فى تقنيات حياکة الملابس بإستخدام التکنولوجيا المساعدة لذوى الإعاقة السمعية (تأهليهم لريادة الأعمال)
ArticleA training program for developing curtain design and implementation skills for the empowerment of economically dependent women to integrate them into labor market
ArticleA training program for developing curtain design and implementation skills for the empowerment of economically dependent women to integrate them into labor market
ArticleA training program for women prisoners to develop their skills in implementing a uniform that meets functional and aesthetic needs
ArticleA training program for women prisoners to develop their skills in implementing a uniform that meets functional and aesthetic needs
Articleدور البرامج التدري بية فى تنمية مهارات تصميم الأزياء لدى معلمات التأهيل المهنى لذوى الإحتياجات الخاصة
Articleدور البرامج التدري بية فى تنمية مهارات تصميم الأزياء لدى معلمات التأهيل المهنى لذوى الإحتياجات الخاصة
Articleتصور مقترح لبرامج تدريبية مهنية لتمکين الفتيات ذوات الاعاقة الفکرية اجتماعيًا واقتصاديًا A Suggested Training Program to girls Mental Disability To Social and economic of Empower
Articleتصور مقترح لبرامج تدريبية مهنية لتمکين الفتيات ذوات الاعاقة الفکرية اجتماعيًا واقتصاديًا A Suggested Training Program to girls Mental Disability To Social and economic of Empower
ArticleEffectiveness of the Training Program for the Women's Outwear Manufacturers to serve the small-scale Industries
ArticleEffectiveness of the Training Program for the Women's Outwear Manufacturers to serve the small-scale Industries
ArticleDeveloping Blind Females' Skills in the Field of Clothes and Textile Through a Training Program
ArticleDeveloping Blind Females' Skills in the Field of Clothes and Textile Through a Training Program
ArticleA training program for people with hearing disabilities to develop their home furnishings production skills using velvet residue in developing micro-projects
ArticleA training program for people with hearing disabilities to develop their home furnishings production skills using velvet residue in developing micro-projects