This paper presented a modified frame-work for Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology through construction industry for sustainable city harvesting. The results were able to classify major challenges facing engineers which revolving project life-cycle in the new building technologies; in order to set applicable solutions via using the Internet of Things (IoT), automated devices, Smart Building (SB) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in architecture and construction industry. This paper aims to develop the feasibility of artificial intelligence (AI) devices in order to drive changes that impacts directly both architecture and construction field goals and objectives. The relevance is to face and develop project life-cycle construction processes and challenges in order to improve its precision. Determining drones and robots devices towards dealing with repetitive and physically demanding tasks and give guidance to the automated devices to make their municipalities smarter and digital, and to propose Machine Learning (ML) as a part of Smart Digital Sustainable City (SDSC) while preserving the sustainable building and construction experiences.
This paper presents a frame-work of artificial intelligence technology in project construction life-cycle harvesting from pre-construction process up to composite post-construction and implementation. The aim of using (AI) technology and based automated devices in construction industry is to contribute to enhance the labor shortages process through improving big-data collecting and management methods for engineers. (AI) technologies aim is to upgrade survey data harvesting with network and architects' needs inferred from the use of machine learning (ML) order to achieve the objectives of future smart digital sustainable cities.
Artificial, intelligence, Machine, Learning, SMART
The Higher Institute of Engineering
El Sherouk, Egypt
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International Design Journal
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Orientation towards using approved devices as a part of artificial intelligence technology in architecture and construction field