The research studies the aesthetics of applying the twill weaves and their derivatives on upholstery fabrics to confirm the property of optical illusion in the implemented designs.
One of the most crucial elements in capturing the consumer's attention and effectively promoting the product, alongside the attributes required to produce the efficient functional performance of the textile, is the aesthetic appearance of the textile. One of the most crucial elements that allows for the evaluation and preference of certain fabrics over others is the aesthetic effects on the textile's surface. In order to confirm the optical art component in the designs, this research concentrated on the realization of a collection of upholstery fabric designs employing twill weaves and its variants on a jacquard loom. The best results were chosen from a total of 40 questionnaires.
- Research problem
1- To what extent do upholstery textiles that are enriched by twill weaves and its derivatives benefit?
2- What modifications can be made to the compositional effects of twill weaves and its derivatives to emphasize the aesthetics of optical illusion?
3- How may the impacts of twill weaves and their derivatives be used to our advantage in enhancing the upholstery textiles' touches?
- Research aims:
1- Making use of the effects of Twill Weaves and their derivatives in enriching upholstery fabrics.
2- Integrating optical art's aesthetic value into woven fabric design.
3- Modification of the Twill Weaves and their derivatives' effects to emphasize the appeal of optical illusion.
- Importance of research:
1- Enriching upholstery fabrics contributes to opening new markets.
2- Work to find competition for Egyptian products for woven upholstery fabrics with international markets.
- Hypotheses of research:
1- The importance of applying the Twill Weaves and their derivatives affect the upholstery fabrics that give an aesthetic value to the fabrics produced from them.
2- Optical art and utilizing it to enrich the aesthetic value of the upholstery fabrics.
- Methodology of research:
* The research follows the analytical and experimental approach to achieve the research objectives.
- Samples of research:
The research based on the implementation of 14 designs on the jacquard loom, including 5 designs using regular twill and 9 designs using derivative twill .upholstery fabrics were produced, then 40 questionnaires were distributed to specialists in the field of textiles and statistical analysis was carried out to select the best samples.
- Results :
1- Twill Weaves and their derivatives led to optical art in the designs of woven upholstery fabrics.
2- The effects of Twill Weaves and their derivatives to enrich woven upholstery fabrics.
3- Applying the method of optical illusion in the designs of woven upholstery fabrics gives aesthetic value to these fabrics and opens new markets.
4- The double weave technique was used to highlight the Twill Weaves aesthetics and those of their derivatives in the designs that were the focus of the research.