Several explosives have been tested numerically to study their effect and performance of the produced jet characteristics and predicted jet penetration into concrete target material. The velocity of the jet have been determined for different explosives as TNT, cyclotol, RDX, HMX, PETN and LX-17 which have been used in this research as a shaped charge oil well perforator, where the Autodyn hydrocode has been implemented with the jetting analysis solver and jet penetration to estimate both the jetting output data and the relevant penetration depth for these studied explosives. Results show that HMX explosive exhibiting the highest detonation velocity, has the largest penetration depth into Concrete 26MPa target. The relative jet tip velocity to the Gurney characteristic velocity of an explosive has been found to be around 2.5 for the used explosive charges, whereas the scaled jet tip velocity to the detonation velocity of an explosive has been found to be one for the studied six explosives. ICT code are used for calculating the explosion heat and this result obtained are used for calculate the equivalent weight and shock factors. The resulted data obtained used for prediction the safety of 1 kg of explosives at distance equal 1000 m and shows complete safety for all explosives in underwater mining. Safety tests for different explosives including explosion temperature and electrostatic charge reveals the complete safety for 1 kg of shaped charges in underwater environments.