
المعاناة النفسية وعلاقتها بالاندماج الاجتماعي لدى طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا


Last updated: 25 Dec 2024




الصحة النفسية.


هدف البحث الحالي إلى الكشف عن طبيعة العلاقة بين المعاناة النفسية والاندماج الاجتماعي لدي طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركياً، وكذلك التنبؤ بدرجات الطلاب على مقياس الاندماج الاجتماعي بمعلومية درجاتهم على مقياس المعاناة النفسية ، وأيضاً التعرف على الفروق التي تعزى للنوع لدى طلاب الجامعة من ذوي  الإعاقة الحركية في الاندماج الاجتماعي)، وتكونت عينة البحث الأساسية من (91) طالبًا وطالبة من طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا، منهم ( 57 ذكورا ، 34 إناثا )، تراوحت أعمارهم الزمنية بين (18-26) عاماً، بمتوسط عمري (21.43) عاماً وانحراف معياري (1.637) سنة، وذلك بواقع (57 ذكور، 34 إناث)، خلال العام الدراسي 2022/ 2023، وقد طُبق مقياس المعاناة النفسية (إعداد الباحثة-2023)، ومقياس الاندماج الاجتماعي ( إعداد الباحثة-2021) على عينة البحث الأساسية، وتوصل البحث إلى عدة نتائج : وجود علاقة ارتباطية سالبة (عكسية) دالة إحصائيًا عند مستويي (0.05 و0.01) بين درجات طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا على مقياس المعاناة النفسية وعامليه الفرعيين (المكون الانفعالي، المكون المعرفي)، وبين درجاتهم على مقياس الاندماج الاجتماعي وعوامله الفرعية (إقامة علاقات اجتماعية، الشعور بالتقبل الاجتماعي من الآخرين، المشاركة الوجدانية)، وهذا يعني أنه كلما انخفض شعور طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا بالمعاناة النفسية ارتفع مستوى اندماجهم الاجتماعي، في حين توجد علاقة ارتباطية سالبة (عكسية) دالة إحصائيًا عند مستوى 0.01 بين المكون الفسيولوجي وعاملي (إقامة علاقات اجتماعية، الشعور بالتقبل الاجتماعي من الآخرين)، بينما لا توجد علاقة ارتباطية دالة إحصائيًا بين المكون الفسيولوجي والمشاركة الوجدانية، وأنه يمكن التنبؤ بالاندماج الاجتماعي بمعلومية الدرجة على مقياس المعاناة النفسية، كما أشارت الى عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائيًا بين متوسطي درجات طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا في الدرجة الكلية لمقياس الاندماج الاجتماعي وعوامله الفرعية (إقامة علاقات اجتماعية، الشعور بالتقبل الاجتماعي من الآخرين، المشاركة الوجدانية) تُعزى لاختلاف النوع (ذكور، إناث). Bullying is one of the major problems that occurs among children at an early age that can affect the health and safety of children and leave negative effects on their social and psychological development. The current research aims to conduct a follow-up study of the most bullied kindergarten children in the kindergartens of the Educational Tabin Administration during the academic year (2019-2020).  The current research is a case study approach, in which the researcher is interested in studying one human unit or one problem in detail.  The research sample included the most bullied children among a number (5) who were identified as bully children according to the research tools. The child (M.A.N.), the subject of the research, is the third son of five siblings of divorced parents, and he was identified from the bully children in the second kindergarten stage in one of Al-Tabin schools.  Among a sample consisting of (1566) boys and girls from the schools of the Tabbin Educational Administration, a survey was conducted on them to identify the phenomenon of bullying. They were examined using 1- A questionnaire to record bullying behavior in the kindergarten (teacher's assessment), prepared by the researcher. 2- A card to note bullying behavior in the kindergarten.  (Teacher estimate) prepared by the researcher 3- Bullying Behavior Scale prepared by Dr. Ghada Farghal 4- Bully Behavior Scale prepared by Dr. Ghada Farghal The researcher modified the child's intelligence index (85) on the male drawing scale. The following tools were used: (1) Study  Case - prepared by the research team (2) Godanf's Man Drawing Scale (3) Bullying Behavior Scale - prepared by Ghada Farghal. The tools were applied and the results of the research revealed that there were differences in the scores of the child subject of the research between the pre- and post-application of the Bullying Behavior Scale, as the child scored in the measurement  The tribal group received high scores on the social exclusion dimension, as the child obtained 10 out of 12 degrees.  The child did not obtain any score on the dimensions of verbal and physical bullying in the pre-measurement.  When the bullying behavior scale was applied again one year after the pre-application, the child did not obtain any score on the bullying scale in its three dimensions, meaning that bullying behavior can be reduced by modifying the school and home environment.  The research recommends educating parents and teachers about the phenomenon of bullying early, as the characteristics of the environment affect its appearance or extinction, and this reduces its occurrence in the following stages of development. the aim of the current research is to reveal the nature of the relationship between psychological suffering and social engagement among university students with physically handicapped, as well as to predict the students' scores on the social engagement scale by knowing their scores on the psychological suffering scale, and also to identify the differences attributed to gender among university students with physically handicapped in engagement. the basic research sample consisted of (91) male and female university students with physically handicapped, and their chronological ages ranged between (18-26) years, with an average age of (21.43) years and a standard deviation of (1.637) years, with (57 males), (34 females), during the academic year    2022/2023. the psychological suffering scale (prepared by the researcher - 2023) and the social engagement scale (prepared by the researcher - 2022) were applied to the basic research sample, and the research reached several results: the presence of a negative (inverse) correlation, is statistically significant at levels (0.05 and 0.01) between the scores of physically handicapped university students on the psychological suffering scale and its sub-factors (emotional component, cognitive component), and between their scores on the social engagement scale and its sub-factors (establishing social relationships, feeling social acceptance from others, emotional engagement), which means that the less physically handicapped university students feel psychological suffering, the higher their level of social engagement, while there is a statistically significant negative (inverse) correlation at the 0.01 level between the physiological component and the two factors (establishing social relationships, feeling social acceptance from others), while there is no statistically significant correlation between the physiological component and emotional participation, and that social engagement can be predicted by knowing the score on the psychological suffering scale, it also indicated that there are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of university students with physically handicapped in the total score of the social engagement scale and its sub-factors ( establishing social relationships, feeling social acceptance from others, and emotional participation) are attributed to gender differences (males, females).




المعاناة النفسية ، الاندماج الاجتماعي ، المعاقين حركيًا. Psychological suffering, social Engagement, physically handicapped people


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هند عيد على

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وفاء محمد

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عبد الجواد




أستاذ الصحة النفسية كلية التربية – جامعة حلوان







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وهمان همام

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أستاذ الصحة النفسية المساعد كلية التربية – جامعة حلوان







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مروة محمد

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مدرس الصحة النفسية كلية التربية – جامعة حلوان









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مجلة دراسات تربوية واجتماعية

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المعاناة النفسية وعلاقتها بالاندماج الاجتماعي لدى طلاب الجامعة المعاقين حركيًا




Created At

25 Dec 2024