After the traditional leadership of "Jiang Zeming" in the nineties of the last century, and at the beginning of the third millennium, he was succeeded by a leader with a tender heart "Hu Jintao", who was known as the mother leader, in reference to his gentle treatment of the people like a caring mother, Xi Jinping reached the seat of power in the Chinese Republic, which persevered in its policy and literature in the face of many internal and external challenges. Since the era of Deng Xiaoping, the engineer of the Chinese economy in the stage of reform and economic openness after the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1978, Presidents Jiang and Hu followed in the footsteps of the fox Deng, meaning that their role was limited to completing the implementation of his economic plans and reform policies, but they did not come up with new ideas or innovative plans. Then President Xi appeared on the political scene, put forward strategic and development initiatives, established continental and international cooperation forums, and set policies that the Chinese people had never heard of before, which in turn produced many “new terms and expressions" that were the subject of studies and research by those interested in Chinese affairs and specialists in studying the Chinese language from abroad.