The research delves into an innovative artistic approach applied to the 2016 theatrical production "Sultan Yalhou," performed at the Student City Theater in Giza. Written by Mahfouz Abdel Rahman and directed by Muhammad al-Shabrawi for the Western Al-Munirah Culture House under the General Authority for Culture Palaces, the play narrates the story of an Arab sultan who, out of boredom, disguises himself as a commoner to observe his state informally, only to uncover hidden conspiracies and secrets.
The research emphasizes the development of a modern artistic treatment that effectively blends the traditional essence of Arab fashion with contemporary symbolic simplicity. This approach introduced modern elements such as innovative fabric choices, line formations, and color schemes while preserving the core of traditional Arab attire.
The presentation successfully merges realism with modernity in terms of both visual and thematic aspects, giving the performance a unique depth and appeal. The researcher highlights the importance of ensuring that this modern treatment respects the traditional form and general aesthetic of Arab fashion, aligning with authentic Arab beliefs and values. The study underscores the necessity of integrating modern techniques into theatrical productions without compromising the cultural authenticity and significance of Arab fashion. Achieving this balance between heritage and innovation is crucial in creating theatrical works that reflect cultural identity, honoring the past while embracing the future.