Ttranslation has been a long-known field of study, the specific concept and practice of re-translation only began to receive the attention it deserves quite recently, starting in the 1990s in Europe. But still little studied in its specificity in the Arab world, even the term "retranslation" is relatively uncommon, with its floating meaning, calling on multiple questions: Between translation and retranslation, what happened, what changed? Do we retranslate better or differently? Why several translations of the same text? Why do some translations keep their shine and others fade in a short time? Why is a great translation necessarily a retranslation? Or, conversely, why is any first translation never a great translation? This study proposes to underline the importance, the motivations and the challenges of the practice of retranslation according to the point of view of several theoreticians, from Arabic to French or vice versa. This is why the work of the retranslator turns out to be essential for a better reception of the work in the target culture. We will try to present some examples of translation errors appearing in the Arabic novel "El GOAA", "The Hunger" by Mohamed El Bisatie translated into French, by the translator Edwige Lambert, to illustrate the role of retranslation with the aim of a better accomplishment of an Arabic novel, dealing with the tradition and customs of the Egyptian village.