This study investigates the impact of social media outreach on crisis management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Egypt. Through the analysis of data, the findings reveal a strong positive relationship between social media usage and crisis management, as well as between outreach efforts and crisis management. The correlation coefficients of 0.676** and 0.713**, respectively, indicate significant and statistically meaningful relationships, with significance levels below 0.01. These results highlight the importance of incorporating social media strategies into crisis management plans.
1. Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented significant challenges worldwide, necessitating swift and effective measures to control the virus's spread and minimize its impact on public health. In Egypt, the government has embraced social media outreach as a potent tool for communication, information dissemination, and COVID-19 management. This study examines the impact of the Egyptian government's social media outreach in addressing the pandemic, specifically its capacity to deliver timely updates, foster community engagement, combat misinformation, and promote public health measures. Through social media outreach, the government ensures that the population remains well-informed, empowering individuals to make educated choices in safeguarding themselves and their communities. By utilizing this approach, the government effectively reaches a wide audience, effectively conveying the significance and urgency of implementing these vital public health measures.