ArticleBlockchain Technology Applications in Search and Information Retrieval in the Digital Environment for Libraries: An Analytical Study
ArticleBlockchain Technology Applications in Search and Information Retrieval in the Digital Environment for Libraries: An Analytical Study
ArticleElectronic publishing through smart applications between reality and the future and its impact on publishing institutions
ArticleElectronic publishing through smart applications between reality and the future and its impact on publishing institutions
Articleمعارض الكتب الافتراضية في الوطن العربي: دراسة تحليلية Virtual book fairs in the Arab world: an analytical study
Articleمعارض الكتب الافتراضية في الوطن العربي: دراسة تحليلية Virtual book fairs in the Arab world: an analytical study
Articleالنشر الذاتي للموسيقَى الرقمية: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة Digital music self-publishing: a comparative analytical study
Articleالنشر الذاتي للموسيقَى الرقمية: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة Digital music self-publishing: a comparative analytical study