One hundred and sixty-eight laying Japanese quails 8 weeks of age were distributed into 7 triplicate groups (7x3x8), and reared up to 20 weeks of age in quails egg production battery type cages under similar management conditions. Seven laying quail diets were formulated in which the first one was corn-soybean diet and served as the control (T1). In the other diets, 50% of corn in the control diet was replaced by either tapioca (T2) or crushed macaroni (T3), while, all corn in the control diet was replaced (100%) by either mixture (1:1) of tapioca + crushed macaroni (T4), tapioca (T5), crushed macaroni (T6), or mixture (1:1:1) of corn + tapioca + crushed macaroni (T7). All diets were adjusted to be isonitrogenous of about 20% CP and iso-caloric of about 3000 Kcal ME/Eg. Results showed that the group T7 in which corn, tapioca and crushed macaroni (1:1:1) were used as the main source of energy gave the highest average of egg production percentage, followed by 74, 15, T2, T3, T6, and finally, the control group (T1) which resulted in the lowest value. No significant differences were found between treatments in the averages of egg weight, egg mass, feed consumption, fertility and hatchability. Feed conversion of T7 exhibited the best value, while, the other treatments followed the same trend as that of egg production. It could be concluded that, tapioca and crushed macaroni each alone or in combination are excellent untraditional sources of energy in laying quail rations, taking in consideration the economical point of view.