The present study was conducted to evaluatre the response of male Golden Montazah chicks fed diets containing different levels of energy and protein. A toal number of 360 Golden Montazah male chicks aged 4 WKS were fed on starter diet (22% CP and 3000 Kcal ME/kg diet) for 28 days. Chicks were distributed into 8 treatments each treatment contained 45 chicks in 3 replicates. Two levels of protein, i.e 20% and 18% at grower period and 18 and 16% at finisher period within each four levels of energy 2800, 2900, 3000 and 3100 at grower period and 2900, 3000, 3100 and 3200 at finisher period were used. The results indicated that, increasing dietary energy levels significantly (P<0.05) improved body weight (BW), body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion (FC) at grower period (4-8 wks) and the entire experimental period (4-12 wks). The dietary protein levels had no significant effect on BW, BWG and FC throughout the exprimental period. Feed intake (FI) was not significantly affected by the dietary energy and protein levels throughout experimental period, except for the protein levels during grower period (4-8 wks). The dietary treatments had no significant effect on mortality rate and carcass characteristics. The best economic efficiency (E.E) was recorded with chicks fed 18 or 16% CP with 2900 or 3000 Kcal ME/Kg diet at grower and finisher periods, respectively. Generally, EE decreased with increasing level of energy and vice versa with protein level in the diet. The results of this study may suggest 18% CP with 2900 Kcal ME/Kg diet (at grower period) and 16% CP with 3000 Kcal ME/kg diet (at finisher period) for fattening male Golden Montazah chicks.