Medfly POPulation and rate of fruit infestation were studied in three apricot orchards at Kalubia governorate during one season, 1995. In the same three apricot orchards, integrated control was carried out during the two successive seasons. 1996 and 1997. In the 1st apri:ot orchard (surrounding by about five hundred citrus feddans), medfly male catches per trap per day CTCr was ranged between 0.03 to 19.63, and percentages of fruit infestation ranged between 23.30% to 100% during the season before treatments (1995). Percentages reduction In adult population ranged between 21.43% to 87.75% and 35.71% to 86.75% and percentages reduction in fruit Infestation ranged between 18.07% to 69.10% and 9.89% to 46.78% during the two treatments seasons (mechanical, horticultural and chemical). respectively. In the 2nd apricot orchard (surrounding by apricot and citrus orchards). the "CU)" was between 0.03 and 12.46 and percentages of fruit infestation were between 2.10% and 18.70% during the season before treatments (1995). Percentages reduction in adult population ranged between 63.64% to 86.0% and 63.64% to 88.00%. and per-centages reduction in fruit infestation ranged between 71.43% to 75.40% and 71.43% and 78.61% during the two treatment seasons, respectivdy. In the 3rd apricot orchard (surrounding by about seven hundred apricot feddans), the "at' ranged between 0.03 to 0.83 and percentages of fruit infestation ranged between 0.10% to 0.9096 during the season before treatments (1995). Percentages reduction in adult population ranged between: 17.65% to 62.65% and 27.28% to 65.06%, and percentages reduction in fruit infestation ranged between 22.22% to 40.0096 and 33.33% to 60.00% cluing the two treatment seasons, respectively.