Four held Mats were conducted through 1998199 and 19991 2000 seasons, two at Sakha Experimental Station, Kafr El- Sheikh governorate and two at Korn Ousheem Experimental Station. Fayoum governorate to study the effect of two intercropping pattems of onion and/ or garlic ( 60 and 120 an width) on yield, yield components and chemi- cal analysis cf sugar beet. The soil type of Sakha was day with PH 7.8. while the Kom Ousheem soil was sandy day loam with PH 8.9. The expel-mental design was randomized complete block design of lour replications. The results indicated that: Sakti. region: 1. The treatment of 60 cm ridge width gave higher yield. yield components and chemical analysis (sucrose %. Total Soluble Sugar % and purity % ) of sugar beet as solid crop or when intercropped vnth onion or garlic ridges 120 cm. wide in both seasons. 2. Higher yields of onion and garlic intercrops were obtained in ridges 120 cm wide. 3. The intercropping pattern of 120 cm width gave higher than 60 cm width. Land Equivalent Ratio (L.E.R) 01 1.55, 1.54 for onion and 1.54, 1.46 for garlic and Relative Crowding Coefficient (K) 9.88, 14.62 for onion and 8.54. 9.56 (or garlic and total income 4531, 4542 L.E for onion and 5831. 5792 L.E for garlic in the two seasons. respectively. Aggressivity (A) for sugar beet was dominant with both intercropping models (ridges 60 and 120 cm wide), whereas was it dominated with onion and garlic in both seasons. Kom Ousheem region: 1. The treatment of 60 cm width recorded higher yield, yield compo-nents and chemical analyses of sugar beet in solid crop or Intercrop than 120 cm width In both seasons. 2. Yields of solid onion or garlic were higher with ridges 60 cm wide. while 120 cm width gave higher yields when intercropped in both seasons. 3. Higher yield was obtained with the intercropping system of 120 cm width for Land Equivalent Ratio (1.56. 1.56) for onion, (1.53. 1.52) for garlic and total income (3174. 3154 LE) for onion and (4103.