The objective of this study Is to descnbe and analyze the average consumption and ex. pendular, per capita from major cereals and legumes products. Factors affecting average annual expenditure per capita on the above mentioned products were found to bo: lamily's annual expenditure. education. economic activity of the fami-ly's head. family size, profession of the head of family, and family structure. The study also aimed at studying the relation between consumption of major cereals and legumes and the total consumptive expenditure in order to assess expenditure. and quantitative and qualitative elasticities in both Egyptian rural and urban area. • The study found that the annual consumption per capita for cereals and carbohy-drates in both rural and urban areas are as follows in kilograms: 41.3 and 14.5 for wheat flour, 4.3 and 7.5 for Macaroni, 29.1 and 1.8 for wheat. 12.6 and 0.96 for maize, and 30.4 and 26.5 for rice. • For legumes the average annual consumption per capita in both rural and urban areas in kilograms aro: 1.3 and 0.98 for crushed beans, 2.3 and 2.1 for yellow lentils. 2.3 and 1.4 for beans, and 0.13 and 0.71 for black lentils. • Vanence coefficients for individual expenditure averages for the two groups of ce-reals. carbohydrates and legumes (according to the family's average annual aspen. dilute) indicate that the differences between these averages are limited. This inch. sates the !United effect of expenditure on those two groups. On the other side. variance coefficient for each commodity from these two groups indicates great dif-ferences between these averages. This means that income has a greater effect on the expenditure 0, consumption of each one commodity solely. • This research has also studied factors affecting the average annual expenditure per capita on cereals and legumes. Variance coefficient of these averages indicate the limited effect of those factors upon the individual expenditure average on the two groups of cereals, carbohydrates and legumes. • The assessment results for the relations between the consumption of cereals and le-gumes and the Ind:Must annual consumption reveals the lotion/mg.