Field experiments were carried out at Meet EaDeyba Rice Mechanization Center during the successive seasons of 1997 and 1998. The stocky aimed to investigate the productivity of rice cultiv& Santa 101 as influenced by seven different methods of planting and three methods of hardening. Randomized complete block design with four replications was used to measure growth and yield components. To study the grain yield. straw yield and harvest index strip Piot design with four replicates was used. The first ships were occupied by seven methOdS of planting namely. manual broadcasting. mechanical broadcasting, dibbling (20x20 cm). manual transplanting (20x20 cm), mechanical transplanting (12x30 cog inning in wet soil and ailing in dry sea. The sub plots were devoted to three methods of harvesting namely. combined harvesting. semi. mechanical haivesting (manual harvesting and mechanical thrashing) and traditional harvesting (manual harvesting and traditional threshing). The main tangs of this investigation could be Summarized as follows : Nighty significant differences were observed for the effects of planting methods on number of tillers/m2, numbed of panicles/Ft?, num. bet of grains/panicle. panicle weight. 1000-grain weight. grain yield/m2 as well as grain and straw yields (toed.). Mechanical transplanting gave the highest values of the above-mentioned traits. while, manual broadcasting and tinting in dry soil produced the lowest values. Meanwhile. methods of planting did not exert significant effects on plant height in both seasons. Mechanical harvesting resulted in the highest grain yield followed by semi-mechanical harvesting. while traditional harvesting produced the lowest grain yield. The highest yield of straw was obtained from traditional harvesting and the lowest by mechanical harvesting The IMeraction of planting and harvesting methods significantly affected grain yield (Med.) in both seasons. The highest grain yield was produced when transplanting and harvesting were mechanically done.