Follow-up of biological activities of eucayptus stern borer. Phoracantha somipunclata F. (Colecotora:Cerambyddard showed that pre. oviposition, oviposibon. post-oviposition and Incubation periods recorded 2.25 (1-5) . 6.45 (2-12) . 405 (2-10) and 9.3 (6-13) days, respectively. Durations of pre-pupa and pupa listed 9.5 (3-17) and 15.65 (12-19) days. respectively. The number of pupal chambers and emerged beetles mother female were 22.8 (8-38) eharnbOrs and 19 (7-32) beetles. respecttvety. Adult hardness recorded 6.55 (4-9) days, the female Wool 13.7 (4.25) days. while the mat r lived 11.25 (419) days. The female laid 42.7(1241) eggs, the percentage of egg death was 21.8 % (6.137.5 %). Field observations revealed that attack density represented by number of egg batches varied from 4 to 11 batches per eucalyptus log ( 45- I lOcm.long).The number of eggs 1 batch was 24.48 (6-68) eggs. Hatching percentage (75.71%) differed from 50 % to 93.9 %. Larval densIty(428.03 larvae An2) resulted 68.36 %death in number of hatching larvae. 280 full grown larvae (135.42 pupal chamber /m2 ), 217 emerged beetles (104.95 adult /m2 & 22.5 % death in pupae) and 75.48 % reduction In the broods. Three pedods ci emergence were observed horn stored infested logs during Juno 1999 to June 2000, the first was alter 18 weeks during 3rd week of October to 2nd week of November (21.06 % emergence), the second occurred after 30 weeks during 3rd week of January to 3rd week of February (73.68% emergence) and the third was noticed after 48 weeks during 1st week of Juno (5.26 % emergence). The estimated damage of lost wood volume average 263.06cm' / maturity terra or pupal chamber and each one female can be destroyed about 5998.22 cm3 (average) from attacked wood by her brood.