A 2-year field study was conducted at Mallawy Research Station during two successive growing seasons , 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. to Investigate the effect of tillage system (tillage and no-tillage ) . planting distance ( 10. 20 and 30 cm ) and foliar application of single superphosphate (SSP) and potassium sulphate(KS) at different ratios on faba bean (cvGlza 3 ) production and seed contents of protein . P and K . The obtained results revealed that conventional tillage induced significant increases in seed yield, seed weight/plant, 100-seed weight and number of pods / plant during the two seasons, while the measured seed contents showed no specific trend. Increasing planting distance gave significant increases in faba bean growth, yield and yield traits as well as seed protein content, being the highest at 30 cm. distance. Foliar application of the mixture of 10 kg KS + 5 kg SSP or 5 kg KS + 10 kg SSP recorded the highest significant increases in faba bean seed yield and its traits, while foliar application of SSP or KS singly showed adverse effects. Seed contents of protein. P and K showed inconsistent results during the two growing seasons. In the two growing seasons. 100-seed weight as well as seed contents of protein, P and K were significantly affected by the interaction between foliar P and K application and tillage with no specific trend, while faba bean seed yield and its traits generally were affected significantly by the interaction between foliar P and K application and planting distance in the two seasons ; and the interaction between 5 kg KS + 10 kg SSP and 30 cm. planting distance gave the highest values. Seed contents of protein. P and K were also affected significantly by this interaction with no certain trend. The interaction among all the studied factors showed significant effects only on seed protein and K contents with no certain trend either. It could be stated that planting two plants/hill on both sides of the ridge, 30 cm. between hills with the conventional tillage and foliar application of soaked 5 kg KS + 10 kg SSP /fed could be recommended for growing faba bean under the conditions of Mallawy district.