Green fodders in Egypt are considered the main resource In feed-ing farm animals, due to the natural pasture scarcity. Green lodders are cultivated in different crops along the agricultural season: winter, sum-mer end nill. The study covered the period (1990-1998). The study includes the crops of winter, summer and nili green fc4ders, cultivated area, gross production and feddan productivity for each crop, besides production costs in the most important winter leddors and the relative importance of production costs items, to help recognition of the economics of green fodders production and the Ministry of Agriculture efforts for promoting lodders and prospects till the year 2017. The study shows that winter kidders include clover (long and short), clover for seeds and other winter green lodders during the period extended from November to the first mid of June. The summer green kidders such as derawa, Cow pea fodder, elephant fodder, sweet sorghum, Egyptian clover. amshoti, surdan and denaiba. Nili green lodders and other varieties are also included. 11 is clear in this study that the average area of tattlers crops in Egypt amounted to 2807.500 feddan during the period 1990- 1998, of which 90.2% clover (long and short) and dover for seeds (the cultivated average area was 1635,044 feddan. 719,710 leddan,147 440 feddan respectively ), about 5300 feddan (0.2%) of winter green fedders. 171440 feddan of summer green fodders (6.1%). 78.113 feddan of nili green kidders (2.78%). The study also dears that the average gross production of fodder crops reached about 54.73 million tons during the period (1990-1998) of which 93.57% for clover (long and short) and clover for seeds whereas the gross production averages were about (43252.11, 79141.1 and 46950 tons for the three crops respectively), 48041 tons of winter green fodders (0.09%), 262023.0 of summer fodder crops (4.795%) and 85042 tons of nili green fodders (1.55%). It is clear that summer fodder crops include more than ten crops; darawa which occupy the first position according to average area culti-vated during the period (1990-1998) which reached about 126460 feeder'. and NI fodder crops more than ten crops as well, and darawa occupied the first position according to average area cultivated during the study period (74181 feddan ). The study shows that there was an increase in the area cultivated with clover (long and short) estimated at 6.75% during the study period while the area of clover (short) and clover for seeds decreased by 9.12%, 98.29%, though the gross production of clover (long and short) increased by 6.75%. 10.45% respectively. The feddan productivity from