This study focused on the variables of the setting for fishermen at Lake Bardaweel, and their awareness about fishing techniques and laws, satisfaction toward their professions, and their views about bar-riers,and solutions for their problems. The study tends to explore and describe fishermen sector, so the locations of the study were six fishermen societies at villages on the northern coast around the lake Bardaweel. Data were collected from 200 fishermen as sample to represent about 25% of their population. Frequencies and percentages were used to present data. Main results revealed that fishing covers all age categories, less than the third of respondents were educated, so education was not a limiting factor for practicing this profession, they lived in simple families, that had over than 8 members. Two persons of them at least worked with their family in fishing; so fishing is a culture and way of life. Two thirds of the respondents are members in the cooperative society of fishermen, about one eighth of them were members in political organizations to support their social powers while they had a moderate level of their social non formal participation. Housing levels of the respondents were almost bad for half of them. Fishing is the main source of income while they had other income sources, specially in closing periods of the lake. More than half of them had ships with motor, others had fishing tools and nets. Fishing techniques were familiar for the majority. Regarding their opinions about the services which are provided by the Fishing Authority: about 25% hadn't seen any advantage or benefit from this authority but the others were aware of its tasks of control and maintaining the lake. Awareness about the services of fishermen society ranges between a maximum of 80% and a minimum of 18% for loans of fishing equipment and helping fishermen economically. It Is recommended to consider re-organizing the fishermen societies and for the fishing authority to provide more services and to promote fishermen satisfaction levels to reduce their intentions to change the profession. The respondents expressed their problems concerning marketing, fishing equipment, control procedures, fishing crafts, costs and returns, cleaning the lake and the environmental problems. Also they suggested their own opinions to solve these problems. The study findings as a whole built a well base for developing a program to achieve desirable levels of economic and social life.