The main objective of the study was to identify primarily factors related to exposure of rural women in six villages of Fayoum Governorate, who rejected adoption of improved chicken strains and who attended a two week extension program related to Improved chicken strains. to some agricultural mass communication methods. The main objective of this study was to identify different factors related to the studied dependent variable, exposure to some agricultural mass communication methods. The derived objectives were: (1) to identify relationship between the dependent variable. exposure to some agricultural mass communication methods. and some studied Independent variables; (2) to determine lectors explained variance in the dependent variable, exposure to some agricultural mass communication methods : and (3) to extract some suggestions that were thought to be useful to policy-decision makers. Tho study data were collected during the period March-April, 2000, as a part of a project financed partly by the Agricultural Research Center. A sample encompassed 242 rural females in six villages of Fayoum Governorate (villages of El-Agamien. Tubbhar. Sinro/Abshway DLe-tdct: Total. Faddel, and El.Harnidia El-Gadda/ Fayoum District) was used in the study. A pre-tested written questionnaire. and inter-personal interviews were used in collecting the study data. Factor analysis, zero-order correlation coefficient, step-wise multiple regression were used In analyzing the collected study data. The study findings indicated that the three independent variables of information deficiency in relation with improved chicken strains, nega-tive attitude against developed chicken strains. and number of years spent by the respondent In education combined together explained about 10% of the dependent variable, exposure to some agricultural mass communication methods. The findings implied the need to increase and enrich rural women's information, throughout education, effective use of mass communication methods, monitored extension programs. and proper education. The study implications and suggestions were included in detail.