Poverty is one of the most important problems that lace most countries especiagy the developing counties including Egw4. Mae at. tenon Ms been given to this problem since many countries are sulfen Mg Iran an increasing trend in avenge-Meng and a demmidima Weed in per capita income espenally ot the poor. This study aims at Shedding Com on the slate of poverty in Egypt. teaser.. and Some macro-economic pakten and the role of credit disbursed through different sources on developments creating lots. in. creasing income and alleviatng poverty in Egypt. The study contains live parts, the first. dealt vnth poverty indiCatOrs. reasons. and strategies to alleviate poverty. ThO second pad dealt with some of the macroeconomic policies. which affect poverty. The third part dealt with agriculturd development and the credo- disbursed airplay, the Principal Bank for Devekarent and Agricultural Credit (PODAO). The fourth Pen showed the perfamanee ol the SOf. LDF. PFP and N513 in hie field of ds• basing credit for development and yob creation. The last pan introduced some Issues rotated to the impact of development policy and poverty reduction. The study revealed the following observations' The previous studies showed that the poverty rats had decreased from 30% In 1974/75 to 16.7% in 1999/2000. Moreover, the poverty rste was higher in the rural area compared to the urban area. The government had succeeded through As macro-economic poky in reducing the deficit In the national budget during 1991/92.1998/97 and reducing the Inflation rote during 1990/914000/2001. which con. sleeted a positive issue to improve the standard of Wing. The government has &ISO several social Security programs through which the ate/ Pax and ktredricanct families received grants and aid. Moreover, govenvner4 subsidy to load especiaey for the poor is cootie-end The acme/newt had succeeded in reclaiming about 1.8 million feddans during 1981/82-1997M which contributed to the agricultural Praia-lion increases and about 225 thousand fixIdans were dstnbuted to 45 thousand Of new graduates.