Background: Nurses should be highly knowledgeable and qualified to care for patients in emergencies. Therefore, updating nurse's knowledge and practices of triage application has a significant role in the reduction of mortality rates within emergency departments. The aim of the study: Assessment of Critical care nurses' knowledge and practices of emergency triage. Design: A descriptive exploratory research design was used in the conduction of this study. Setting: This study will be carried out in emergency departments at Assuit University (Trauma Unit) and emergency departments at Hurgada General Hospital Sample: A convenient sample of all nurses in emergency departments was included in the study. Tools: The study tools were composed of mainly two tools: Tool I: Nurse's knowledge assessment questionnaire, which consists of two parts: Part I: Emergency nurse's sociodemographic data and Part II: Emergency Nurse's knowledge of triage system. Tool II: Emergency nurse's performance assessment checklist. Method: The researcher used the preparatory phase and assessment phase for the implementation of the study. Results: Results showed that Nurses lack of Knowledge (56.7%) and performance regarding the application of triage within emergency departments. Conclusion: Most of the nurses working within the emergency departments have almost low level of knowledge and practices regarding the implementation of triage within emergency departments, so different facilities should have a plan for upgrading the Nurse's knowledge and practices of triage application. Recommendations: Hospital management should focus on the importance of triage application in saving patient's lives and decreasing the workload of ER healthcare providers.
critical care nurses, ER department, Knowledge, Practices & Triage
Clinical Instructor at El Gouna Technical Nursing Institute, Egypt.
Professor and Head of Critical Care Nursing and Emergency Department, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt.
Assistant Professor of Critical Care Nursing and Emergency Department, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt.
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Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
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Assessment of Critical Care Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices of Emergency Triage