Background: Entrepreneurship is widely viewed as a crucial foundation for gaining a competitive edge in nursing field and improving new graduated nurses' ability for professional development and career aspiration. Aim: Assess entrepreneurial tendencies of new graduated baccalaureate nurses and its relation to their professional development and career aspiration. Research Design: The study used a descriptive correlational design. Setting: The study was conducted at Benha University Hospital in Medical, Surgical and Critical Care Units. Sample: All available of new graduated baccalaureate nurses (140) were incorporated into the study. Tools of data collection: Three main tools namely; I): Entreprene0020urship scale. II): Professional development questionnaire. III): Career Aspiration Scale – Revised (CAS-R). Results: About two thirds (66.7%) of new graduate baccalaureate nurses had moderate level of entrepreneurial tendencies, more than half (55.7%) of them had moderate perception level toward professional development and more than two thirds (71.4%) of them had high level of career aspiration. Conclusion: There was a positive highly statistically significant correlation among total entrepreneurial tendencies, total perception toward professional development and total career aspiration among new graduated baccalaureate nurses. Recommendations: Raising awareness of new graduated nurses about entrepreneurship through frequent scientific meetings to make them more successful in the professional life and achieve their career aspiration. Conducting a study to determine how an entrepreneurship training program affects the clinical competency of newly graduated baccalaureate nurses.
Entrepreneurial tendencies, New graduate baccalaureate nurses, Professional development &Career aspiration
Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.
Assistant Professors of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.
Assistant Professors of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.
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Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
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Entrepreneurial Tendencies of New Graduate Baccalaureate Nurses and its Relation to their Professional Development and Career Aspiration