The sword is a scimitar attested in Ancient Egypt in two kinds; First is the curved sword, it joins traditional weapons, appeared as a royal divine weapon, certainly as a symbol of domination, usually held by a god or presented by a god to a king, as the king represent the living Horus. Second is the pointed sword, represented on battle scenes, held by Egyptian and foreign soldiers, alike, during the time of the Egyptian Empire, especially during the Ramesside Period, showing development from short to enlarged long sword. Archaeological resources present two swords engraved with Royal names ( Mernptah, and Seti II ) symbolizing them as Victorious Kings, as well, referring that the sword produced locally in the Egyptian military workshops during Empire Period. The research aims to shed light on the archaeological, iconographic, and textual resources concerning the sword at the Ramesside Period, giving new insights of the sword in Ancient Egypt, following the historical method.