Articlemeasuring the effect of auditor industrial specialization on improving fraud brainstorming session quality
Articlemeasuring the effect of auditor industrial specialization on improving fraud brainstorming session quality
ArticleImpact of Audit Best practice on the Quality of Financial Reporting: New Evidence from an Emerging Context
ArticleImpact of Audit Best practice on the Quality of Financial Reporting: New Evidence from an Emerging Context
ArticleThe effect of companies’ employment of their ex-auditors on their Audit Quality: Evidence from UK
ArticleThe effect of companies’ employment of their ex-auditors on their Audit Quality: Evidence from UK
Articlethe effect of audit committess characteristics on accounting conservatism practices for companies listed in egyptian stock market
Articlethe effect of audit committess characteristics on accounting conservatism practices for companies listed in egyptian stock market
ArticleThe effect of applying the accounting of the fair value in the quality of financial reporting based of the view of Sudanese external auditors - Field studies. أثـر تطبيق محاسبة ال
ArticleThe effect of applying the accounting of the fair value in the quality of financial reporting based of the view of Sudanese external auditors - Field studies. أثـر تطبيق محاسبة ال
ArticleMeasuring impact the audit Committee characteristics , CEO experience and ownership structure on the disclosure of internal control weakness (An applied study)
ArticleMeasuring impact the audit Committee characteristics , CEO experience and ownership structure on the disclosure of internal control weakness (An applied study)
ArticleInvestigating the Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Reporting Quality and its Impact on Financial Constraints
ArticleInvestigating the Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Reporting Quality and its Impact on Financial Constraints
ArticleThe Role of Continuous Audit in the Quality of Electronic Publication of Financial Reports (A Field Study on the National Audit Bureau)
ArticleThe Role of Continuous Audit in the Quality of Electronic Publication of Financial Reports (A Field Study on the National Audit Bureau)