The current paper discuss the isolation of bacterial Bacilli from the rhizosphere soil of some seedlings plants to suppress growth plant pathogenic fungi. The 15 bacterial colonies were isolated and screened for their ability to antagonize damping-off fungi, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum. In vitro, among them, four isolates were the highest effect in reducing growth of both mycelia for each fungi. These bacterial isolates exhibited multiple antifungal substances for example as: hydrogen cyanide (HCN), ammonia (NH3), indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore and hydrolytic enzymes (chitinase, cellulase, catalase). The most potent bacterial isolates based for morphological, biochemical and molecular characterizations. Four potent bacterial strains spore-forming were isolated on nutrient agar (NA) medium and identified as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus sp < em>., Bacillus sp. and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, respectively. All strains were Gram-positive long rods, motile, spore forming bacteria. Strains B. subtilis-1 and B. amyloliquefaciens-14 were produced white pigment. Moreover, inhibition zone in vitro with strains B. subtilis -1 and B. amyloliquefaciens-14 higher than with strains B.sp.-4 and B.sp.-12. There were correlation between the Bacillus spp. strains against R. solani and F.oxysporum and its results of antifungal substances production. Finally, Bacillus spp. isolates have antagonistic activity for R. solani and F.oxysporum also, potenial to be used as a biocontrol agent. It is suggested that antifungal substances secreted by Bacillus spp. isolates should be involved in the suppression of the phytopathogenic fungal growth.