Background: Burn is one of the most brutal harms to the human body and mind and its wide-ranging complications have many adverse effects on the patient's quality of life. Burns are a widespread health issue that mostly affects low- and middle-income nations, with about two thirds of cases happening in Africa. Burns continue to be a prevalent and serious public health issue. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to optimize the patient's knowledge and practice level in order to enhance healing following an accident. Rehabilitation is an essential and integral part of burn treatment. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of rehabilitation program on knowledge and practice for patients with burn. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in Plastic & Reconstructive Burn Center at Mansoura University Hospitals. Sample: A purposive sample of 60 patients with 2nd degree burn admitted to above mentioned setting was included in the study. Tool of data collection: The data collected through the following tools, tool I socio-demographic data of patients II: Patients' Knowledge questionnaire, III: Burn patients' practice Checklist The results: The total mean scores of burn patients' knowledge and practice pre and post the rehabilitation program showed significant difference. Conclusions: The present study concluded that burn rehabilitation programs positively affect total mean scores knowledge and practice for patients with burn. Recommendation: Comprehensive burns rehabilitation programs should be implemented from the first day of hospital admission, to improve patient's knowledge and to increase his/her awareness regarding appropriate health practices that restore his or her functional abilities, prevent future complications and improve quality of life.