Field experiments had been conducted using different pesticides commonly used on vegetable crops searching for suitable compound could be successfully used in controlling of the glassy clover snail, Monachacartusiana,during the activity periodat Sharkia Governorate.The obtained dataclearly showed,the percent reductions of snail under field conditions were significantly differed from one pesticide to another and from vegetable crop to another more over the date of examination after application was also affected in addition to; densities of infestation, the crop cultivation rates, ecological behavior of the snails and types of dispersion in each crop.Since, the tested pesticides reduced snails'populationinsquash with varying degrees, the general means of percent reduction three days after application recorded maximum reduction with malathion and methomyl with 57.26 and 53.61% reduction, while the least effects were recorded with imidacloprid and acetamiprid with 31.25 and 27.07%. The same trend was observed two and three weeks after application with a slight increase or decrease in reductionpercentages with all tested compounds.On the other site, the tested pesticides reducing populations oncabbageone week after application with maximum reduction bymethomyl and malathion, 56.09 and 52.51%, while the least effects were recorded with acetamiprid and imidacloprid with 30.61and 26.51% reduction, respectively.When regarding reducingin snails'populations oneggplantthree weeks after application, the highest effect was recorded withmalathion; moderate effect was withfipronil while imidacloprid showed the least effect in reduction.As soon as,ontomatoone week after application, the reduction recorded with malathion was 57.25% followed by methomyl 53.60%, while with imidacloprid 31.25% and acetamiprid 27.07% reduction percentages.On green peathe efficacy of pesticides after the third week of application reducing the populations with highest effect bymethomyl; moderate effect with fipronil while the least effect recorded with imidacloprid.While inspinachone week after application the reduction percentages recorded 59.24% with methomyl, 55.47%with malathion, 32.33% with acetamiprid and 28.01% reduction, with imidaclopridmoreover the same trend was observed two and three weeks after application.Generally, themolluscicidal determination of all tested pesticides in controlling the glassy clover snail, M. cartusianainfesting vegetablecrops under field conditions at Sharkia Governoratecould be arranged as; total general means of percent reduction, after four weeks of applicationas follows: Methomyl