Lead, copper, zinc, boron, cobalt, chromium, arsenic, molybdenum, and manganese are just a few of the essential and non-essential metal pollutants that can be found in municipalwastewater-irrigated areas.The amount of treated wastewater used for irrigation had an impact on the growth of several plants. In comparison to plants irrigated with 0, 25, 50, and 75% of treated wastewater, it was shown that plants irrigated with 100% treated wastewater experienced the greatest growth. It was also discovered that the weight of the plant roots and leaves increased throughout the course of a 60-day period. Vegetable development is also aided by the presence of potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. In the current investigation, it was discovered that vegetable plants grew enormously because there was a suitable quantity of potassium in both the soil and the treated wastewater. The rate of growth, the size of the cells, and the water content of the tissues may all be affected by a lower potassium concentration. Another macronutrient, Ca, which is present in treated wastewater, plays a crucial function in the composition, permeability, and cell division, fostering growth. All vegetable plants had greater Ni concentrations in their leaves, ranging from 100 to 545 mg g-1. Mn levels in all vegetable plants were determined to be between 106.5 and 429 mg g-1, which is below the hazardous level. Zn and Pb concentrations varied between 152 and 259 mg/kg and 72.5 and 346 mg kg-1, respectively. Data analysis of the translocation factor revealed that heavy metal accumulation is more pronounced in plant shoots than in roots. Ganjia, which receives continuous sewage water for irrigation and is situated close to the sewage disposal site, has the highest concentration of Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+ in vegetables, followed by Arail and Dandi. Due to the higher concentration of micronutrients in sewage water, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fe2+ levels in the vegetables cultivated have significantly increased.