This thesis presumes that some words in the tale of adultery from Westcar Papyrus have connotation that express symbolic idea besides their direct meaning in the context. For example the unfaithful wife of priest Ubainer sent Hbsw “clothes" to the commoner. The word Hbsw with letter t forming Hbswt means “wife" and “concubine". Therefore sending the clothes might symbolize idea of the wife who offered herself as a paramour to the commoner. Word xr-m-xt “after" was used in sentences that followed the immoral meeting of the adulterers. The first part xr in word xr-m-xt means “to fall" indicates idea of the commoner who fell in the sin of committing adultery with a married woman. Word Sspt “pavilion" comprised sign of fence used to surround houses to keep intruders away. Probably this refers to idea of the wife who removed obstacles to let the commoner reach her easily. The word msH n mnH “crocodile of wax" expressed the feelings of the priest Ubainer and his desire to revenge. The wife received brutal punishment of being burnt in Sdw “field" and this was due to the equation between a married woman and fertile agricultural land.
adultery, connotations, Words, Symbolic Ideas
First Name
Hesham Ezz Eldin
Associate Professor - University of Sadat City - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels – Guidance Department
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Publication Title
المجلة الدولية للتراث والسياحة والضيافة
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Connotation of Some Words in Story of Adultery in Westcar Papyrus