Actually the water shortage problem is one of the biggest challenges which Egypt faces and we should create a solution to solve it, so how to reduce the consumption and get water from alternative sources, we chose the atmospheric water as a source for our target to supply enough amounts of water. search about prior attempts and knew it's strengths and weaknesses points. our solution is to make a device based on a porous metal-organic framework {MOF-801,} that captures water from the atmosphere at ambient conditions by using low-grade heat from natural sunlight This device is capable of harvesting 2.8 liters of water per kilogram of MOF daily at relative humidity levels as low as 20% and exploit this amount of water to irrigate some crops that doesn't consume much water and can be planted on the roofs of homes like peppermint by using an irrigation system to reduce the wasted water dependent on the conditions of weather (temperature and humidity) . To test the efficiency of our prototype, we chose design requirements which are Safety, efficiency, environmental and economic impact, low weight, and testability [1]. Our test results were satisfying, as our project is promising. After all the calculations and measurements, we found that our prototype meets all design requirements and able to get and save water, and that is the main aim for us.