This paper aims at detecting whether there are negative effects of English on written Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) or not. It analyzes the reverse transfer from English into MSA in four chapters from four of the latest best-selling books that are all available online:
1- (Chapter 7) of a translation of التأثير السيبراني AT-Taʼthīr assibrānī (The Cyber Effect) (2017) by Mary Aiken.
2- (Chapter 7) of أفراح المقبرة Afrāḥ al-Maqbarah (Tomb Weddings) (2018) by Dr. Aḥmad Khālid Tawfīq.
3- (Chapter 15) of أوروبا المتحررة Ūruppā al-Mutaḥarrirah (Liberal Europe) (2020) by Muḥammad Aḥmad ʻUbayd.
4- (Chapter 3 of part II) of ذكر شرقي منقرض Dhakar Sharqī Munqariḍ (An Extinct Oriental Male) (2021) by Dr. Muḥammad Ṭāhā.
The analysis proved that there are negative effects of English on MSA in all the samples at the levels of vocabulary, structure, and style. The findings of analysis indicate that the most dangerous reasons of the problem are the spread of social media and the prevalence of defective translations. The paper recommends finally a number of procedures that can help stop the deterioration of MSA and suggests further research about the future of Arabic language and the relation between education and mother-tongue maintenance.
Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), reverse-transfer of L2 on L1, Non-Standard Arabic (NSA), balanced bilingualism, mother-tongue maintenance
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مجلة کلية البنات الأزهرية بالعاشر من رمضان
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صورة للتأثيرات السلبية للغة الإنجليزية على اللغة العربية المعاصرة في أحدث الكتب الأعلى مبيعا" An Image of the Negative Effects of English on Modern Standard Arabic in Latest Best