ملخص البحث
لقد اصطفى الله تعالى من الناس رسولا خاتما وهو سيدنا محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب صلوات الله عليه وتسليماته، ولم يكن أمر الاصطفاء خافيا على الناس، بل هناك علامات للنبوة واضحة ودلائل ظاهرة، وقد اطلع بحيرى الراهب على بعضها ومنها خاتم النبوة الواضح بين كتفيه أعلى ظهره، وأخبر عمه أبا طالب بأنه سيكون نبي آخر الزمان، ومن هذه اللحظة والمشركون له بالمرصاد، وسعى اليهود للخلاص منه متى وجدوا فرصة سانحة لذلك، وقد تعددت الحيل والوسائل والسبل التي حاولوا من خلالها قتله، فإما بالسيف أو بالنخنق أو بإلقاء حجر ضخم عليه أو بدفع حائط عليه أو بهدم سقف مسجد عليه وهو يصلي فيه، أو بوضع السم في طعامه؛ وقد باءت كافة المحاولات بالفشل لأن الله تعالى وعد بحمايته من الناس حيث قال عز وجل:{وَاللَّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ} .
وفي هذا البحث رصد وتوثيق لهذه المحاولات الفاشلة، وكثير منها غفل عنه من كتب في هذا الموضوع.
God, Most High, has chosen a final Messenger from among the people, and he is our master Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Muttalib, may God's prayers and peace be upon him. Yet, the matter of selecting was not hidden from the people; rather there were signs of prophecy and clear evidences. The monk (Buhairi) had made out some of them, including the seal of prophecy, which is clear between his shoulders and the top of his back. He told his uncle, Abu Talib, that he would be the prophet of the end of times. So, the polytheists plotted against him, and the Jews sought to get rid of him until there was an opportunity for that. There were many tricks or means and ways through which they tried to kill him; by pushing a wall on him or tearing down the roof of a mosque over him while he is praying in it, or by putting poison in his food. All the attempts failed because God Almighty promised to protect him from the people; where the Almighty said (and God protect you from the people).This research paper traces and documents these failed attempts, many of which were neglected by those who wrote on this subject.