إنَّ مِنْ أعْظَمِ الغَايَاتِ وأسْمَى الأهدَافِ لِدِرَاسَةِ عِلْمِ الأُصُولِ هُو إدْرَاكُ كَيْفِيَةِ اسْتِخرَاجِ الأحْكَامِ، وهَذا الإدْرَاكُ يَتَوَقفُ عَلَى مَعْرِفَةِ كَيفِيَّةِ الاستِدلَالِ بألفَاظِ النُّصُوصِ، وهَذِه الألفَاظُ إمَّا أنْ تَدُلَّ عَلَى الحُكْمِ بَمَنْطُوقِهَا وَمُقتَضَاها، أوْ بِمَفْهُومِهَا وَفَحوَاهَا، والاستِدلَالُ بِهَا يَحتَاجُ إِلَى سَلَامَتِهَا مِنْ الطَّعن والقَدح، مِن هُنَا اهْتَمَّ الأُصُولِيُّونَ إلَى جَانِبِ اهْتِمَامِهِم بالاستِدلَالِ وَالاستِنْبَاطِ بِعِلمِ الجَدَلِ وَتَعَرَضُوا لِمَا قَد يَطْرَأ عَلَى الأَدِلَّةِ مِن اعْتِرَاضَاتٍ وَأسْئِلَةٍ بأجْوِبَةٍ وَرُدُودٍ سَعيَا إلَى تَقْوِيَتِهَا وَصِيَانَتِهَا مِن كُلِ تَنقِيصٍ وَتَعييبٍ، وَقَد جَاء هَذا البَحْث لِيُلْقِي الْضَوءَ عَلَى أهَمِّ القَوَادِحِ والاعْتِرَاضَاتِ التِي تَرِدُ عَلَى الاستدلال بدَلِيلِ الخِطَابِ والجواب عنها مِنْ خِلَالِ التَّمْهِيدِ بِتَعْرِيِفِ القَوَادِحِ، وَبَيَانِ الآرَاء فِي اعْتِبَارِهَا مِنْ مَبَاحِثِ عِلْمِ الأُصُولِ، والِتَعْرِيفِ بدَلِيلِ الخِطَابِ، وأنْوَاعِهِ، وَآرَاءِ العُلَمَاء في حُجِيَتِهِ، وعَرْضِ القَوَادِحِ الوَارِدَةِ عَلَى دَلِيلِ الخِطَابِ والجواب عنها،وهي القدح على دليل الخطاب بالرد، والقَدح على دليل الخطاب بالتَّأوِيلِ، والقَدح على دليل الخطاب بالمُنَازَعَة في المقتضَى، والقَدح على دليل الخطاب بالمُعَارَضَة، وَتَطْبِيقِها عَلَى الفُرُوعِ الفِقْهِية، ثُمَّ الخَاتِمَةِ بِبَيَانِ أَهَمِّ النَّتَائِجِ والتوصيات.
One of the greatest goals and highest goals of the study of the science of assets is to realize how to extract judgments, and this realization depends on knowing how to infer the words of the texts, and these words either indicate the judgment in its operative and proviso terms, or its concept and content, and inference needs to be safe from appeal and invective, from here the fundamentalists were interested in addition to their interest in inference and deduction with science Controversy and exposure to any objections and questions that may arise to the evidence with answers and answers in an effort to strengthen and maintain it from any derogation and defect, This research came to shed light on the most important arguments and objections that respond to the inference of the discourse evidence and the answer to them through the introduction to the definition of the pimps, and the statement of opinions in their consideration of the investigations of the science of assets, and the definition of the discourse evidence, and its types, and the opinions of scholars in its authenticity, and the presentation of the incoming pimps on the discourse guide and the answer to them, which is the mug on the evidence of the speech in response, and the libel on the evidence of the speech by interpretation, and the mug On the evidence of discourse by disputing the requisite, and defaming the evidence of discourse in opposition, and its application to the branches of jurisprudence, and then concluding with a statement of the most important results and recommendations.