Synthesized formulated chromen derivatives as dustable powders were previously tested biologically against cotton leafworm S. littoralis larvae 2nd and 4th instar larvae in the lab and were found to have good insecticidal efficacy. The primary goal of this study was to assess the insecticidal effectiveness of two previously reported synthesized and formulated chromen derivatives as dustable powder formulations (DP) F2 9.5 % and F3 10 % against the pink and spiny bollworms (Pectinophora gossypiella and Earias insulana), respectively, under field conditions in two different locations, the Agricultural Research Center Station "Quaha" in the Qualyoubia Governorate and "El Mahala El ElKoubra" in "Gharbia" Governorate during 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 seasons. During the seasons of treatment, two distinct treatments, one spray and two sprays were used, and cotton yield and fiber characteristics were also researched. Dustable powder formulation F2 demonstrated stronger biological efficacy on both pests under study than dustable powder formulation F3 for both treatment modalities. During the two study seasons, one spray treatment with dustable powder formulations had a stronger impact on P. gossypiella and E. insulana than the two spray treatments. In addition, F2 was more effective on P. gossypiella than on E. insulana in both study governorates and both seasons. Although the yield produced utilizing the F3 dustable powder formulation was far higher than that obtained using the F2, the cotton yield and fiber characteristics were also much better than the control. After all necessary research is completed, dustable powder formulations based on chromen compounds might be applied to control P. gossypiella and E. insulana in the future.