Being the essential component of our understanding of man as an emotional and social being, the affect of jealousy as a living emotion remains a primary cause of many human conflicts. It is sometimes considered a cute reaction. But it can endanger the trust between the two partners if it turns into a pathological feeling often accompanied by violent reactions and aggressive acts within the couple. If we have opted for ‘Happy Death'. it is because the interest of this work resides in the permanent search on the part of the protagonist to delimit his landmarks. This research which frames a life in difficulty, arises precisely with the appearance of jealousy. We would like to show, beyond the simple textual deployment of the term supposed to cover the notion of jealousy in the story, that a passionate stage is emerging, that is to say a tensive configuration of the implementation of jealousy as passion in the protagonist . And finally, it behooves us to analyze to what extent can we consider death (natural or caused by murder) as a happy ending? (satisfaction and appeasement of the consciousness so peace of the soul, a degree further than happiness). For our approach we will rely on the model of tensive scheme presented by Jacque Fontanille and Claude Zilberberg
we will try to draw out the passionate perspective by demonstrating to what extent we can consider that the murder committed by the hero can be considered as a passionate act that belongs to the sensitive.