Background: Comprehensive recovery programs previously termed fast-track surgery is a novel approach to the care of cardiac surgical patient that aims to improve their postoperative outcomes. Comprehensive recovery program implementation is achieved through four phases; consulting phases “Pre-habilitation", preoperative phase, intraoperative phase and postoperative phase. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of comprehensive recovery program on Patients' quality of life post CABG surgery. Research Hypoethis: The implementation of comprehensive recovery program will affect positively on patients' quality of life post CABG surgery. Setting: The study was conducted at Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit at Al Nas Hospital. Subjects: A retrospective sample of 30 adult patients who had underwent CABG surgery during the past 6 months (control group) and a purposive sample of 30 adult patients who had underwent CABG surgery (study group). Data collection tools: First tool, patients' assessment interview questionnaire to assess the studied patients characteristics and medical history, second tool, European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation (EURO score II) to assess their preoperative risk of death and third tool, 36-Item Health Survey questionnaire (SF-36) to assess their quality of life. Results: The results of this study revealed that there was a statistically insignificant difference between the study and control group regarding demographic characteristics and medical history data. Also there was a statistically significant difference between the study and control group regarding general health, energy and fatigue, role limitation due to physical health and emotional health and total SF-36 questionnaire score. Conclusion: it could be concluded that the implementation of comprehensive recovery program affected positively on patients' quality of life post CABG surgery. Recommendation: Enhance the patients' undergoing CABG surgery regarding the comprehensive recovery program and extend the concept of comprehensive recovery program to other cardiac surgeries.