Background: Urinary incontinence is an important multifactorial health problem that affects women's life quality. Aim: To evaluate the Effectiveness of Intervention Guideline on Self Care of Women Suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence Methods: A quasi-experimental study design was used. Setting: The study was conducted in the urodynamic unit at the Maternity Hospital Ain Shams University. Study Sample: It was a simple random sample of 100 stressed incontinent women admitted in urodynamic Unit at the Maternity Hospital. Data collected for a period of nine months from march to November 2021. Four tools were utilized for collected data Tool I: A structured interviewing questionnaire sheet to assess general characteristics of study sample, stress incontinence and their obstetrical data. Tool II: self-care practice check list to assess bladder retraining technique, hygienic measures, pelvic floor muscle exercise of study sample. Tool III: voiding diary to assess fluid intake, amount of urine excretes, amount of stress incontinence, frequency of leak urine of study sample. Tool IV: follow up chart to assess frequency of using the intervention guideline among study sample. Results: there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding all general characteristics, regarding obstetrical and gynecological history of study sample 40.0%of the study group developed incontinence while 30.0% of control group had excessive bleeding there was highly statistically significant between the study group and control group of all items of voiding diary of post guideline at P <0.001. Conclusion: The study revealed improvement in the severity of stress urinary incontinence and self-care practice among the study group compared to the control group. Recommendations: Performing training guidelines for improving women's awareness about urinary incontinence and self-care. Replication of the study on a larger probability sample for generalizing the findings and studying the factors affecting women's utilization of urodynamic services.