Background: Myocardial infarction is a serious condition; timely treatment is important and
slight delay results in severe consequences. Following acute myocardial infarction, many patients
are left traumatized physically and emotionally. Assessing needs for myocardial infarction patients
is very important to clarify patients' needs, meeting biopsychosocial and learning needs. Aim: This
study aimed to assess the biopsychosocial and learning needs for patients with myocardial
infarction. Study design: Exploratory descriptive design was used to conduct this study. Setting:
This study was conducted in Coronary Care Unit at Fayoum University hospital. Subjects:
Purposive sample included 120 patients in Coronary Care Unit. Tools of data collection: I.
patient's assessment sheet: It included the following parts: Part (1): Patients' demographic data. Part
(2): patients' medical history. II. Biopsychosocial needs, learning needs assessment tools: It
included four categories (physical, psychological, social and learning needs). Results: Regarding
physical needs; the present study revealed that 49.2% of patients under study had extreme/ sever
physical complaints, 55.0% of them were partially dependent. Regarding psychological needs
26.7% of them had moderate depression. 20.0% of them had moderate anxiety. 20.8% of them had
moderate stress. 67.5% of them were somewhat of the time had social needs. 62.5% of them had
moderate learning needs. Conclusion: This study has indicated that about half of studied patients
had extreme/ sever physical complaints, more than half of them were partially dependent, regarding
psychological needs, around one quarter of the studied patients had moderate depression, anxiety
and stress. While more than two thirds of them were somewhat of the time had social needs and two
thirds of them had learning needs. Recommendations: Simple booklet written in Arabic language
suggested to developed and be available for all patients with myocardial infarction. Continuous
assessment of biopsychosocial and learning needs for myocardial infarction patient after discharge