Background: Congenital heart diseases are considering deadly, if not effectively untreatable. The study aims to assess mothers' care for their children suffering from congenital heart diseases. Research design: Descriptive analytical design. Setting: The study was conducted at cardiology outpatient clinic Pediatric hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University hospitals. Sample: A purposive sample was used for choosing the study subjects; composed of 75 mothers of children with congenital heart diseases. Tool of data collection: an interviewing questionnaire for assessing the socio-demographic characteristics of the studied children and their mothers, mother's knowledge and reported practices about the care of their children with congenital heart diseases. Results: Study finding indicated that, 40% of the studied children with congenital heart diseases were females, 40 % of the children aged < 1 year and Concerning child ranking 46.7% of the studied children were the first child in their own family, 40% of the studied mothers received basic education, 73.3% of them were house wives and 66.7% were living in rural areas. 26.6%, 40%, 37.3%, 45.3%, 41.3%, 49.3% and 40.0% of mothers had satisfactory knowledge regarding Anatomy of the heart, Physiology of the heart, Meaning of congenital heart disease, Types of congenital heart disease, Symptoms of congenital heart disease, Importance of surgical intervention in the treatment of congenital heart disease and Ways to prevent congenital heart disease respectively, 62% of them had inadequate total reported practices about the care provided for their children with congenital heart diseases. Also, 64% of the studied mothers obtained their knowledge from doctors. Conclusion: The result of the study concluded that, there was insignificant negative correlation between the total mothers' knowledge about congenital heart diseases among studied children and their mothers' total reported practices about the care provided for their children with congenital heart diseases. Recommendations: Periodic counseling program to all mothers with children suffering from congenital heart diseases who attended the outpatient clinics about diseases, treatment, prevention and control measures.