Background: Skin diseases is the a major health problems that cause morbidity for military
personnel either at war or during peace times. Skin diseases cause negative psychological and social
impacts on the quality of life of military personnel. The study aimed to assess health needs and
problems for military personnel with skin diseases. Research design: Descriptive research design
was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was carried out in outpatient dermatological
department at kobri al-kobba medical hospital. Sample: purposive sample of soldiers attending
outpatient dermatological department, the total sample included 418 subjects. Tools: Tool I- Self-
administered Questionnaire which covers the following parts: The 1st part: Socio-demographic
characteristic of military personnel. The 2nd part: Military personnel knowledge regarding skin
diseases. The 3rd part: Military personnel health practice regarding skin diseases. The forth part:
military personnel health status from medical record. Tool II: The Index instrument to measure the
effect of skin disease on military personnel quality of life and health problems related to skin
diseases. Results: 69.7 % of the military personnel were 21-24 years old, 32.3 % of the studied
military personnel had satisfactory knowledge regarding skin diseases.57.4 % of the studied subject
had unhealthy reported practices regarding skin diseases. 44.5% had moderate impact of military
personnel health and quality of life. Conclusion: There was positive statistically significance
Correlation between knowledge and health practice of military personnel. Recommendation:
Develop and implement health education program for military personnel to increase their
knowledge about skin diseases and practices should be followed to manage skin diseases
health needs, Military Personnel, Skin Disease
Last Name
Shaaban Abdel-Ghaffar
Cap Academy –Kobri Alkobba Armed Forces Medical Complex,
Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, ain shams University
Assisstant professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, ain shams University
Detail API
Publication Title
Egyptian Journal of Health Care
Publication Link
Health Needs and Problems among Military Personnel with Skin Disease