لقد وجد عند أبي حيان في كتابه "النكت الحسان في شرح غاية الإحسان" من الاعتراضات على النحويين ما حبب إليَّ الانتقاء منها ومناقشتها، وانتقيت منها تسعة عشر اعتراضًا. أسباب اختيار الموضوع: أقبلت على هذا الموضوع لأسباب منها: أولاً: المكانة العلمية لصاحب الكتاب، فهو بحر واسع في علوم العربية. ثانياً: معرفة سبل المؤلف في اعتراضاته، والأصول التي يجنح إليها. ثالثاً: الوقوف على تبعيته في الاعتراض، هل ينتقي الآراء أو يتبع مدرسة معينة؟ أهداف الموضوع: أولاً: وقوف الباحث على الأصول النحوية، والإفادة منها في الترجيح. ثانياً: تعين الباحث على النظر في آراء العلماء، ومعرفة أساليبهم وكتبهم. ثالثاً: الوقوف على طرق نقاش العلماء للمسألة. خطة البحث: كانت خطة البحث مفصلة على ما يلي : المقدمة: ذكرت فيها أسباب اختيار الموضوع، وأهداف الموضوع. التمهيد: وفيه ترجمة لأبي حيان: اسمه، ومولده، ونشأته، وشيوخه، وتلاميذه، وأهم آثاره، ووفاته، وكل ما سبق بإيجاز؛ لكثرة من ترجم له.
Praise be to God who taught man the statement, and honored us with preserving the religion from distortion and deficiency. He distanced himself from equals and opposites, and from taking companions and children, and I pray and greet his honest and trustworthy Messenger, who delivered the message with the clear truth. May God's prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who Follow him until the Day of Judgment. As for what follows, I am honored to be busy with something that affects the language of the Qur'an, for each of us hopes for reward from grace, and the rules were not established and devised except to prevent errors in speech that are feared to spread to the language of the Qur'an. I saw in Abu Hayyan's book “Al-Nukat Al-Hasan fi Sharh Ghayat Al-Ihsan" such objections to grammarians that I liked to select and discuss them, and I selected nineteen objections from them. Reasons for choosing the topic: I approached this topic for reasons including: First: The scholarly standing of the author of the book, as he is a vast expanse of Arabic science. Second: Knowing the author's ways of expressing his objections, and the principles to which he leans. Third: Determine his dependence on the objection. Does he select opinions or follow a specific school? Topic objectives: First: The researcher's understanding of grammatical principles and benefiting from them in weighting. Second: It helps the researcher to consider the opinions of scholars and know their methods and books. Third: Understanding the ways in which scholars discuss the issue. Research plan: The research plan was detailed as follows: Introduction: I mentioned the reasons for choosing the topic and the objectives of the topic. Introduction: It contains a translation of Abu Hayyan: his name, birth, upbringing, his sheikhs, his students, his most important works, his death, and all of the above in brief. Because of the many people who translated it.