يهتم هذا البحث بدراسة الأمن بمفهومه الشامل من ناحية عقدية تأصيلية متمثلة في ارتباطه بالإيمان من خلال الآيات القرآنية وأثر هذا الارتباط بينهما على الفرد والمجتمع وعنوانه : (مفهوم الأمن وارتباطه بالإيمان في القران الكريم وأثره على الفرد والمجتمع) وأهم ما تهدف إليه الدراسة : 1- بيان أهمية الأمن وعلاقته بالإيمان من خلال الآيات القرآنية. 2- بيان أثر ارتباط الأمن بالإيمان على الفرد والمجتمع. منهج الدراسة : اتبعت في جمع المادة العلمية لهذا البحث المنهج الوصفي الاستقرائي . نظرًا لتماشيه مع طبيعة هذا البحث . ومن خلال هذا المنهج توصلت إلى نتائج يمكن إجمالها في التالي: : 1-أن الإيمان هو القاعدة لتحقق الأمن بمفهومه الشامل ، وأن لا أمن بلا إيمان وليس العكس. 2- أن الإيمان إذا تحقق في قلوب العباد بدل الله تعالى حال خوفهم إلى حال الأمن ما لم يشركوا به شيئا وأخلصوا العبادة له تعالى، فإن اختل شرط تحقق الأمن وهو الإيمان سلب الله تعالى منهم الأمن وبدل حالهم إلى الخوف الدائم جزاء لهم . 3-إذا حقق المؤمن في نفسه ومجتمعه الإيمان الصحيح القائم على إخلاص العبادة لله تعالى والعمل الصالح تحقق مفهوم الأمن الشامل في الحياة وظهر أثره على الفرد والمجتمع 4-الأمن النفسي لا يتحقق إلا بالإيمان بالله سبحانه، والرضا بحكمه، والانقياد لشرعه، والتوبة والإنابة إليه، وذكره سبحانه على الدوام. 5-سبل الأمن الاجتماعي هي الإيمان والعمل الصالح، وتحقيق سنة الاستخلاف في عمارة الأرض، واستيفاء شروط التمكين الإنساني. أما أهم التوصيات فأوصي الباحثين المتخصصين في العقيدة الاسلامية بأن لا يتوقفوا على طرق المسائل العقدية المتكرر تناولها والجمود عليها فقط ، بل لا بد من طرق جميع المجالات المتعلقة بالحياة الاقتصادية والسياسية وغيرها من مجالات البحث العلمي سواء النظري أو العملي من منظور العقيدة الإسلامية.
This research focuses on studying the concept of security in its comprehensive sense from a doctrinal perspective, represented by its connection to faith through Quranic verses and the impact of this connection on the individual and society. Its title is "The Concept of Security and its Connection to Faith in the Quran and its Impact on the Individual and Society." The study aims to:- Highlight the importance of security and its relationship to faith through Quranic verses.- Explain the impact of the connection between security and faith on the individual and society. Using the descriptive inductive method, the study has reached several important conclusions:- Faith is the foundation for achieving security in its comprehensive concept, and there is no security without faith, not the other way around.- If faith is established in the hearts of the worshipers, and they devote their worship to Allah alone and sincerely, then their state of fear will change to a state of security as long as they do not associate anything with Allah. If the condition of achieving security, which is faith, is disrupted, Allah will take away their security and change their state to constant fear as a punishment for them.- If the believer achieves true faith in himself and his society, based on sincere worship to Allah and righteous deeds, the concept of comprehensive security in life will be realized, and its impact will be evident on the individual and society. - Psychological security is only achieved through faith in Allah, contentment with His decree, submission to His law, repentance, and constantly remembering Him.- The means of social security are faith, righteous deeds, fulfilling the responsibilities of stewardship on earth, and meeting the conditions for human empowerment. As for the most important recommendations, the researchers specialized in Islamic creed are advised not to focus only on repetitive doctrinal issues, but to approach all areas related to economic, political, and other fields of scientific research from the perspective of Islamic creed, whether theoretical or practical This research focuses on studying the concept of security in its comprehensive sense from a doctrinal perspective, represented by its connection to faith through Quranic verses and the impact of this connection on the individual and society. Its title is "The Concept of Security and its Connection to Faith in the Quran and its Impact on the Individual and Society." The study aims to:- Highlight the importance of security and its relationship to faith through Quranic verses. - Explain the impact of the connection between security and faith on the individual and society. Using the descriptive inductive method, the study has reached several important conclusions: - Faith is the foundation for achieving security in its comprehensive concept, and there is no security without faith, not the other way around. - If faith is established in the hearts of the worshipers, and they devote their worship to Allah alone and sincerely, then their state of fear will change to a state of security as long as they do not associate anything with Allah. If the condition of achieving security, which is faith, is disrupted, Allah will take away their security and change their state to constant fear as a punishment for them. - If the believer achieves true faith in himself and his society, based on sincere worship to Allah and righteous deeds, the concept of comprehensive security in life will be realized, and its impact will be evident on the individual and society. - Psychological security is only achieved through faith in Allah, contentment with His decree, submission to His law, repentance, and constantly remembering Him. - The means of social security are faith, righteous deeds, fulfilling the responsibilities of stewardship on earth, and meeting the conditions for human empowerment. As for the most important recommendations, the researchers specialized in Islamic creed are advised not to focus only on repetitive doctrinal issues, but to approach all areas related to economic, political, and other fields of scientific research from the perspective of Islamic creed, whether theoretical or practical .