يدرس البحث، علة كثرة الاستعمال في "شرح التسهيل" لابن مالك، وتعني عنده، شيوع لفظ معين في كلام العرب، وكثرة تردده على اللسان العربي الفصيح في عصور الاحتجاج، وتأدية هذا المصطلح بهذا المعنى عنده كان واضحا، ومنطبقا على النصوص، وتكمن أهمية البحث، في دراسته لأصل من الأصول النحوية، وهو كثرة الاستعمال في شرح التسهيل لم يلق حظًّا من الدراسة قبلًا، وقد أكمل ابن مالك ما بدأه النحويون قبله في استخدامهم لهذه العلة وتطبيقاتها، إلا أن معالجته تتميز بالموسوعيًّة، وتلمس الواقع اللغوي للظاهرة، وكان أسلوبه تحليليًّا، متعمقا، واقعيا، وألفاظه المستعملة للدلالة عليها تميزت بالوضوح مثل: كثرة الاستعمال، وكثير، ومجمع عليه، وكان تطبيقه للعلة بثلاثة طرق، هي: استخدامها في التعليل، وهو أكثر الاستخدامات للعلة عنده سواء أكان للحكم النحوي، أم للظاهرة نفسها، ثم في وصفه للحكم النحوي بالكثرة، ثم في مراعاتها في بناء القاعدة النحوية، وقد ارتبط بالعلة بعض الظواهر النحوية، وأكثرها ارتباطًا بها ظاهرة الحذف، ثم مخالفة الأصل، ثم ارتباط العمل بكثرة الاستعمال، وارتباط الحكم النحوي بها، وتتبع البحث مواضع كثرة الاستعمال بالحصر، ثم بالدراسة والتحليل والموازنة بين رأي ابن مالك وغيره من النحويين، واعتمدت في الدراسة المنهج التحليلي الاستقرائي، وللبحث إضافةٌ، هي كشف الصورة التطبيقية للعلة في شرح التسهيل، وبيان تطبيقاتها في التعليل، والوصف، وأثر مراعاتها في الأحكام النحوية.
The research studies the reason for the frequent use according to Ibn Malik in his book “Sharḥ al-Tasḥeel", which means, according to him, the prevalence of a certain word in the speech of the Arabs, and its frequent frequency in the eloquent Arabic tongue in the eras of protest, and the interpretation of this term in this sense according to Ibn Malik was clear, clear, and applicable. On texts that are subject to excessive use, and the importance of the research lies in its study of an important grammatical principle, in the book Sharh al-Tasheel, which had not received a lot of study before, so I chose to study this topic, due to the importance of the book, and the importance of the reason for frequent use among the reasons and grammatical principles, as well as their applications, in arabic speech, and its consideration in grammatical rulings, given Ibn Malik's reliance on applying this reason in rulings and constructing rules, Ibn Malik in his treatment of frequent uses and its application to texts completed what the grammarians who preceded him had begun in their use of this reason and its applications. However, his treatment of its positions is characterized by encyclopedism, and touches on the linguistic reality of the phenomenon and its connection. With it, his style was analytical, in-depth, and realistic, and the words used to refer to it were clear, clear, and unambiguous, such as: frequently used, many, and unanimously agreed upon, and his application of the cause was in three different ways, in terms of his employing it in the reasoning, whether the reasoning was The grammatical rule is frequently used, or is it an explanation for the phenomenon itself, or in its description of the grammatical rule, or in taking it into account in constructing the grammatical rule, his use of it in the context of reasoning was one of the most widespread uses in the book. According to Ibn Malik, some of the grammatical phenomena that were applied to it were linked to the problem, and the most closely related to it was the phenomenon of deletion, then the phenomenon of violating the original. As for the connection of the action with frequent use, and the connection of the grammatical ruling with it, they were among the least of his grammatical phenomena. The research traced the areas of frequent use by induction and inventory, then by study, discussion, analysis, and comparison between the opinion of Ibn Malik and other grammarians. The study adopted the inductive analytical method. The research has an addition, which is to reveal the applied picture of the problem according to Ibn Malik, and to explain his reliance on it in Reasoning, and the effect of taking it into account in grammatical judgements.