يتناول البحث دراسة تعقبات الإمام البوصيري في كتابه " إتحاف الخيرة المهرة " على شيخه الحافظ ابن حجر ، وقد قمت في هذا البحث بعمل ترجمة موجزة للإمام البوصيري، وكذا عَرَّفتُ بالحافظ ابن حجر. ثم طالعت كتاب « إتحاف الخيرة المهرة بزوائد المسانيد العشرة » كاملًا، واستخرجت منه تعقبات الإمام البوصيري على شيخه الحافظ ابن حجر، ودونتها في مسوّدة عندي، فبلغت سبعة تعقبات قمت بدراستها، وتحرير القول فيها. وقد تنوعت التعقبات بين ما يتعلق بالرجال كما في التعقب الأول، والثالث، والشك في سماع التلميذ من شيخه كما في التعقب الثاني،و الحكم بالتفرد كما في التعقب الثالث، والوهم في التخريج كما في التعقب الخامس، والسادس، والسابع ، وقد قمت بدراسة نظرية شملت ترجمة مختصرة للإمام البوصيري وشيخه الحافظ ابن حجر وبيان منهج البوصيري في كتابه، مع عمل دراسة نقدية للوقوف على سلامة التعقب من عدمه، وقد أصاب البوصيري في عدد من التعقبات كما في التعقب الأول ، والثالث، والخامس، والسادس، والسابع، وأخطأ في عدد منها كما في التعقب الثاني، والرابع.
Generation after generation, scholars have been accustomed to benefiting from the efforts of the scholars who came before them, either by explaining, summarizing, joking, tracing, or rectifying and appending. Scientists' comments on each other have great scientific benefits. Through it, mistakes are corrected, confusion is removed, and oversights are eliminated, so the building of knowledge is completed, its path is straightened, and it is purified from the delusions or mistakes that humans have been afflicted with. Imam Al-Busiri had a share in enriching this scientific journey with a number of comments that moved me to seek research to study his comments on his sheikh Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar - may God Almighty have mercy on them - in his book: “Ithaf Al-Khayrah Al-Mahrah bi Zawa'id Al-Musnad Al-Ten," which amounted to seven comments, so I decided on this. Research by studying it according to the method of modern studies. The research deals with the study of Imam Al-Busiri's comments in his book “Ithaf Al-Khayra Al-Mahrah" on his sheikh, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar. In this research, I made a brief translation of Imam Al-Busiri, and I also introduced myself to Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar. Then I read the entire book “Ithaf al-Khayra al-Mahra bi Zawa'id al-Musnad al-Ashra" in its entirety, and extracted from it the comments of Imam al-Busayri on his sheikh, al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, and wrote them down in a draft I had, so that it amounted to seven comments that I studied and edited the statement on them. The discussions varied between what was related to men, as in the first and third tracks, and doubt about whether the student heard from his sheikh, as in the second track, and the ruling on uniqueness, as in the third track, and illusion in graduation, as in the fifth, sixth, and seventh tracks. I conducted a theoretical study that included A brief translation of Imam Al-Busiri and his sheikh, Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, and an explanation of Al-Busiri's approach in his book, with a critical study done to determine the soundness of the narration or not. Al-Busiri was correct in a number of narrations, such as in the first, third, fifth, sixth, and seventh narrations, and he was wrong in a number of them, as In the second and fourth traces.